
Western orchids Learn more about Western orchids

  • Phalaenopsis variety Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan, what are the characteristics of the price of Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan?

    Phalaenopsis variety Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan, what are the characteristics of the price of Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan?

    Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan is one of the varieties of Phalaenopsis orchids, this variety of orchids are mainly produced in some areas of Yunnan, can also be seen in Myanmar, is a relatively common species, the price is relatively cheap, about 20 yuan to 40 yuan per seedling. Yunnan

    2019-03-23 Phalaenopsis varieties West Yunnan Butterfly Orchid Price more less money
  • Phalaenopsis variety Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan, what are the characteristics of the price of Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan?

    Phalaenopsis variety Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan, what are the characteristics of the price of Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan?

    Phalaenopsis in western Yunnan is one of the varieties of Phalaenopsis orchids, this variety of orchids are mainly produced in some areas of Yunnan, can also be seen in Myanmar, is a relatively common species, the price is relatively cheap, about 20 yuan to 40 yuan per seedling. Yunnan

    2019-03-23 Phalaenopsis varieties West Yunnan Butterfly Orchid Price more less money
  • The natural environment of the original place of lotus flower orchid

    The natural environment of the original place of lotus flower orchid

    The natural environment of the original place of lotus flower orchid

  • Tianchi powder lotus petal

    Tianchi powder lotus petal

    Tianchi pink lotus, is a variety of lotus petal orchid, because it is pink, lotus-shaped petal, planted in Tianchi orchid garden and named. The first name is Lotus-type pink lotus petal. It is produced in the deep valley of the Lancang River, a tributary of the Lancang River in Yunlong, western Yunnan. In 1995, Wang Shuming, the master of Yunlong Tianchi Orchid Garden, was found and cultivated in Shimenlan City. Yunlong is located in the Lancang River.

  • Cost-effective lotus petal orchid boutique: sweat and blood BMW

    Cost-effective lotus petal orchid boutique: sweat and blood BMW

    Sweat BMW, three-star butterfly, leaf butterfly, lotus petal orchid and bean orchid natural hybrid, plant height about 40CM, leaf length 30-40CM, width 0.5-0.8CM, leaves about 8.

  • Chunlan Xi Shenmei details, Chunlan West Shenmei how to raise the root Chunlan West Shenmei shortcomings picture

    Chunlan Xi Shenmei details, Chunlan West Shenmei how to raise the root Chunlan West Shenmei shortcomings picture

    Also known as "Xi Chenmei" originated in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province, Wuxi Rong Wenqing in 1911! Xishen is a plum-shaped daffodil petal, the upper petal is easy to open low at the beginning, so it appears to be dumbfounded, usually it will be unfolded the next day, the dignified posture can be fully displayed. The west pole is not easy to pull up, and the petal is thinner and easier to turn over after a long time.

  • Orchid appreciation and practice Manual "II"

    Orchid appreciation and practice Manual

    After Chunlan (ten thousand words) roughly talked about the western orchid culture, the word foreign orchid needs to explain that foreign orchid is not a professional term, but a word produced by us combining different cultural differences, so national orchid.

  • Manual "three" for Orchid appreciation and practice


    After talking about the orchid culture in the West and the Orchid Culture in the East, let's finally talk about the differences between cultures. Although orchid appreciation is about orchid appreciation between the East and the West, orchid appreciation is mostly aimed at the national orchid.

  • Tianchi lotus petal

    Tianchi lotus petal

    The original name of Tianchi lotus is "Tianchi plum". The flowers are white, the petals are white and the veins are green. The main lobe and accessory lobe are tight, the end of the valve is hollow, and there are 9 strands of veins. Hold the flap strictly, the clam mouth is seamless. The lip fossa is as round as a white jade bowl. The lip is round, rarely seen in the lotus petal orchid. Produced in the dense forest of Tianchi in the eastern region of the Lancang River in western Yunnan. The mountain rises to the sky.

  • Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

    Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

    Orchid cultivation: 24 solar terms and orchids

  • Gold coast (tie flower) lotus petals

    Gold coast (tie flower) lotus petals

    It belongs to the genus Cymbidium, neutral leaf type, the leaf edge is slightly serrated near the tail end, the bulb is oval, the leaf trousers are compact, the leaf surface is Y-shaped groove, the root is stout, and the leaf tail is easy to focus after the adult plant. Formerly known as necktie flower, also known as Hua Zhonghua, originated in western Yunnan on the banks of the Lancang River? Ping, the junction of Weixi. It is the strangest flower in the plaid flower, which lies in its petals.

  • The growth habits of the latest Cymbidium

    The growth habits of the latest Cymbidium

    Magnolia is a plant of the genus Magnoliaceae, also known as potted grass, laurel orchid, hook orchid, Crane orchid, Western Europe, also known as spider grass or aircraft grass, native to South Africa. Perennial evergreen herbs of the family Liliaceae. The roots are fleshy and the leaves are slender, like orchids. Extracted from the axils of the leaves of Cymbidium

    2020-11-10 The latest hanging orchid growth habits yes dragon tongue orchid
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of wedding dress hanging orchids cultivation methods and matters needing attention of flower cultivation in Guizhou agricultural network and hanging orchids

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of wedding dress hanging orchids cultivation methods and matters needing attention of flower cultivation in Guizhou agricultural network and hanging orchids

    Friends should be one of the more common varieties, deeply loved by many novice flower friends, but they can not raise this kind of succulent, so how to raise pearl orchids today Xiaobian will introduce to you the maintenance methods and matters needing attention of pearl orchids [more] Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Cymbidium, Chlorophytumcomosum (Thunb.) Baker.), Cymbidium also known as: hanging pot grass, hanging orchid, fishing orchid, orchid, folding crane orchid, Western Europe also known as [more]

  • Is Chun Lan Cui an old kind? Is the price of Chunlan Cui a piece of incense?

    Is Chun Lan Cui an old kind? Is the price of Chunlan Cui a piece of incense?

    Cui Yipin is an old variety of Chunlan, no matter Huashou or verve, Cui Yipin is not much worse than the Western God, it also has the title of Little Western God. It was elected by Wu Enyuan in Hangzhou before the Anti-Japanese War. What are its specific characteristics? Do you want to know?

    2019-03-16 Chunlan Cui Yipin yes old breed Mo price fragrance
  • What to do with the growth of rhododendron insects? pest control of rhododendron / 4 insect pests and 5 diseases

    What to do with the growth of rhododendron insects? pest control of rhododendron / 4 insect pests and 5 diseases

    Rhododendron, named after the cuckoo singing blood, is a very beautiful flower, which is one of the top ten famous flowers in China and is loved by flower friends. However, because of improper maintenance, many people's azaleas will be invaded by diseases and insect pests, so what if the azaleas grow bugs? First of all, we need to calm down, and then find the cause.

  • Culture method of lotus petal orchid

    Culture method of lotus petal orchid

    Lotus petal orchid is a highly adaptable orchid variety, and the breeding method of lotus petal orchid is not particularly difficult. Like the traditional spring orchid, lotus petal orchid stops growing in winter and enters a dormant period. In western Yunnan, the orchid no longer grows and is in the stage of strength accumulation from mid-November to the end of February of the following year.

  • The species of Chunlan Changhua plum orchid, what are the characteristics of the leaves of Changhua plum orchid? what is the price?

    The species of Chunlan Changhua plum orchid, what are the characteristics of the leaves of Changhua plum orchid? what is the price?

    Chunlan Changhua plum was excavated in the mountains near Changhua Town, Lin'an County, western suburb of Hangzhou in 1991, so it was named after the place where it was found. its petals are plum-shaped, which is called Changhua plum. Changhua plum blossom blossoms flat shoulder, until withered unchanged. After the flower is in full bloom, the front end of the valve is hugged forward.

    2019-03-16 Chunlan of species Changhua plum orchid flower leaf
  • Yunnan plum (Baocao) lotus petal

    Yunnan plum (Baocao) lotus petal

    Flower name: Yunnan plum, also known as Baocao, is a typical representative of Yunnan lotus petal orchid plum petal varieties, belonging to the king of Yunnan orchid plum petal, so it is named Yunnan plum. This orchid was found in Weishan County in February 1995, when there were only 13 seedlings (head). Originally from the Grand Canyon of the Sanjiang Valley in western Yunnan. Features: leaves 5-10, leaf length 30-60 cm, leaf width 0.3 m.

  • Deep valley lotus petal

    Deep valley lotus petal

    Yougu lotus belongs to the original orchid in western Yunnan, which originated in Yunlong County, Dali Prefecture. It was selected and cultivated by Mr. Liu Dianwei, owner of Yougu Orchid Pavilion in Dali Zhuhai Flower and Bird Market. Features: the orchid leaves 6-7, leaf length 30-40CM, leaf width about 0.8, leaf tip round head, crystal, leaf vein flat, dehydrated type, plant type.

  • Shoumei lotus valve

    Shoumei lotus valve

    Shoumei: Lotus petal orchid, plum petal, famous products. It is named because it is a plum-shaped petal and looks like a white-headed fairy Weng. The first name is "full hard holding plum-shaped lotus petal". It is produced in the primeval forest in the hinterland of Gaoligong Mountain in Baoshan, western Yunnan. It was found in 1998 and was introduced in Bilong Orchid Garden in 2000. It is a rare species in Orchid. Characteristics.
